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Erasmus+ Europe application round for 2024/2025

It is time to make plans for studies abroad in the academic year 2024/25. Application round for the exchanges taking place in autumn and/or spring semester is open from February 1 until March 8, 2024.

Erasmus+ program gives you the opportunity to study as an exchange student at one of your academic unit's partner universities in Europe. You may participate in the Erasmus+ program more than once during your studies, up to 12 months at each level of study. In addition to the tuition waver studies at the foreign university and recognition of the courses taken as part of your study program at UT, Erasmus+ grant is guaranteed to all participants. The grant depends on the destination (606 or 674 EUR per month) and there is an additional support (+250 EUR per month) for the students with disadvantaged background*. Through top-up for green travelling, using environmentally friendly means of transportation is favored.

Documents to be submitted:

  • an on-line application in SoleMOVE system;
  • a letter of motivation;
  • a transcript of records (current studies, kindly ask from the study adviser at your faculty);
  • proof of proficiency in the language in which you will be studying at the foreign university.

Enclosures of the application should be uploaded in SoleMove.
Please find the instructions for preparing the on-line application and supporting documentation from here.

To increase your chances of being chosen to study abroad, you may indicate your top two university choices on your application. You can also apply to study for one semester at one university and a second semester at another university as long as the total duration of your studies abroad does not exceed 12 months at your current level of study. Also make sure that the semesters at the host universities do not overlap. In cases like that two separate applications should be submitted.

The applications will be processed by the Erasmus Departmental Coordinators and the selection will be made by the relative academic units. You will be informed of the results by your Erasmus Coordinator within March.

Make sure you study the following information before submitting the application:

Partner institutions and SoleMove destination search
Terms and conditions of the program
Erasmus+ grant
Erasmus Departmental Coordinators

*Participants with disadvantaged background in Erasmus+ program are students:

  • who received the needs-based study allowance or needs-based special allowance or UT support for Ukrainian students during the semester prior to study abroad or during the study abroad semester
  • parents of minor child/children
  • with foster care background
  • with diminished work ability
  • with health related special needs or chronic illness


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