Department of Radiology

L. Puusepa 8 - G1.R 174
50406 Tartu linn,
Tartu linn, Tartumaa
+372 731 9660
Pilvi Ilves
Head of Department, Associate Professor 0.5 p
dr. med.
+372 731 8300
Maksim Zagura
Lecturer in Radiology and Medical Biochemistry 0.5 p
PhD (Medicine)
+372 737 8455
Mare Lintrop
Assistant in Radiology 0.25 p
MSc (Radiation Biology)
+372 731 9523
+372 731 9514
Kai Ulst
Assistant in Radiology 0.25 p
+372 731 9660
L.Puusepa 8 F114
Pille Kool
MSc (Mathematical Statistics)
+372 501 7697
L.Puusepa 8-G1. R