Annual student conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (HUMA)

Andero Kalju

The annual student conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (HUMA) will take place from 24 to 25 November 2022 in the University of Tartu Library.

The event brings together students and teachers from all the disciplines of arts and humanities.

The conference takes place in Estonian and in English.

The annual HUMA student conference will be a hybrid conference that can be followed also online.

On 24 November at 19.00 there will be a talk between the writer Mehis Heinsaar, the artist Kristi Kongi and the psychologist Andero Uusberg, PhD about creating in the context of crises (in Estonian).

All questions, problems and ideas can be sent to

Keep yourself updated on our Facebook Event Page

Thursday 24.11

9.00 Registration and Coffee

9.30– 10.00 Opening speaches (Vice Dean of Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Anneli Saro, PhD; Director of the University of Tartu Library Krista Aru, PhD)

10.00–11.30 I section, panels 1–3, presenters 1–9

11.30–12.30 Lunch

12.30– 14.00 II section, panels 4–6, presenters 10–18

14.00– 14.30 Coffee

14.30– 16.00 III section, panels 7–9, presenters 19–27

16.00– 16.15 Coffee

16.15–19.00 Posters

19.00 Evening talk (in Estonian) Loomingust kriistide ajal räägivad kirjanik Mehis Heinsaar, kunstnik Kristi Kongi ja psühholoog Andero Uusberg, PhD.

Friday 25.11

9.00– 10.30 IV section, panels 10–12, presenters 28–36

10.30–10.45 Coffee

10.45–12.15 V section, panels 13–15, presenters 37–46

12.15–13.15 Lunch

13.15–14.35 Posters and final words

14.45–16.15 VI section, panels 16–17, presenters 47–51

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