Johan Paul Hion

Optional courses expand your horizon

The aim of academic education is, on the one hand, to prepare professional specialists who offer solution to various problems, but, on the other hand, drive innovation and social development.

The latter requires a wide horizon and the ability to orientate oneself in the variety of topics and subjects. The students of the University of Tartu have a lot of freedom in choosing their study path - one way to expand the academic horizon is to choose optional subjects from other fields. The Faculty of Arts and Humanities offers several dozen optional courses which are open to our own students as well as to all other students of the University of Tartu. You can learn foreign languages, discuss philosophical topics, analyze cultural phenomena, study religions and even practice choral singing.

See the list of courses Registration is open until 28 August or till places are full.

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Optional courses in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities autumn 2024