XXXI Baltic Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science, Tartu 2024

Tartu tähetorni idasaal vaatega Fraunhoferi teleskoobile.
Angelina Pjatkovskaja

Scientific Instruments in History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Tartu, Estonia, 13-15 June 2024.
Registration is open until May 31.

This international conference aims to bring together scholars researching various areas in history and philosophy of science and medicine to our beautiful city of Tartu (Dorpat), Estonia. The year of 2024 has an important place in the history of the University of Tartu as we will be celebrating 200 years since the arrival of world's best telescope - the Great Dorpat Refractor which was used by astronomer and geodesist Friedrich G. W. Struve to make many important discoveries and studies for 19th century science. Thanks to the contributions of Struve and other researchers, the Tartu Old Observatory is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as it was the starting point for measuring the Struve Geodetic Arc.

The main focus of the conference discussions is on the scientific instruments and their historical and philosophical implications. The invited speakers are:

Gudrun Wolfschmidt “Cultural Heritage of Observatories and Instruments in the Baltic”

James Ladyman “Scientific Empiricism: Epistemic Privilege for Data not Sense Data”.

For attending the keynote talks on June 13 at 9:45, no registration is needed.

NB! Registration is open until Friday, May 31.

Full programme can be found at the conference website.

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