2024/2025. õppeaastast jõustuvad muudatused puudutavad sisseastujaid ja üliõpilasi, kes kaaluvad õpingute katkestamist või soovivad tulevikus uuesti tasuta samal õppeastmel õppima asuda.
All university members are invited to nominate candidates who deserve to be awarded the university’s honorary decoration for their outstanding achievements.
On 27 June, the global higher education consultancy Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) launched its World University Rankings 2024, adopting a methodology that has undergone considerable change. The University of Tartu is ranked 358th and again tops the list of Estonian universities.
The language learning hub, created to support the Estonian language learning of international staff, international students and students who speak Estonian as a foreign language.
In this year's call for applications for the University of Tartu Feasibility Fund grants, nine projects were awarded funding for one-year development work.
Night Library will be 20 years old this year, and to celebrate this, the project will last longer than ever before - for five weeks. The Night Library opened on Monday, 15 May.
Today, on 20 April, the 292-member electoral council elected Professor of Neurosurgery Toomas Asser as rector of the University of Tartu with 168 votes.
On Thursday, 20 April at 12:00, the 292-member electoral council will gather in the University of Tartu assembly hall to elect a rector for the university for the next five years.
12 April at 14.15-15.45 at Ülikooli 16-214 will be a meeting with fashion designer, environmental activist and professor of Liberal Arts Reet Aus. Screening the documentary "Out of Fashion".
Bachelor’s degree ceremony of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities takes place on Monday, 20 June at 13 in the University of Tartu assembly hall (Ülikooli 18).
Master’s degree ceremony of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities takes place on Thursday, 16 June at 13 in the University of Tartu assembly hall (Ülikooli 18).
Elmar Gams, a doctoral student of the Unversity of Tartu, was chosen as the winner of the final round held on 10 March at the University of Vilnius in Lithuania.
Today, on 13 March, the commission formed for the University of Tartu rector elections registered Professor Toomas Asser, Professor Raul Eamets and Professor Jaak Vilo as rector candidates.