
#research #recognition 
 Fotol TÜ teadusteo auhinna saajad (vasakult paremale): Karl Pajusalu, Kristiina Tambets, Valter Lang, Sandra Sammler ja Mari Tõrv. Pildilt puudub Silvia-Kristiin Kask. Foto: Andes Tennus

EV 106. aastapäeva kontsertaktusel tunnustati meie instituudi teadlasi

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Uued väljaanded ja raamatud ajaloolastelt ja arheoloogidelt

#research #for society
Foto: Stanislav Stepaško. Kass Tallinna Püha Vaimu kiriku retaablil, 1483.

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The University of Tartu is inviting future international students to come student shadowing and live one day as a university student.
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  • press-release
Tartu Ülikooli personaliosakond on uuendanud võrdse kohtlemise temaatikat käsitlevat veebilehte.
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The competition for the scholarship established by the rectors of the University of Tartu, University of Latvia and Vilnius University has started again to promote the teaching and learning of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian languages and cultures.
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On 27 October, the University of Tartu senate decided to award the Johan Skytte medal to Margit Sutrop, member of the Riigikogu and Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Tartu. The highest award granted to university members, the University of Tartu Grand Medal, is given to two university researchers for services of particular value. Also, the recipients of the University of Tartu Star of Appreciation, Medal, Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” have been selected.
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The university will use the survey to find out what kind of mobility Estonia's largest university brings about and what attitudes staff and students hold towards sustainable mobility.
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The University of Tartu and the Blood Centre of Tartu University Hospital invite university members to the Blood Donor Day in the Delta Centre on 2 November, from 11:00 to 15:00.
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On 25 October, the 391st anniversary of the founding of the University of Tartu is celebrated. There will be two lectures, flowers will be laid at memorials and a concert held to mark this occasion.
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Professor emeritus Gebhard Josef Selz of the University of Vienna will visit the University of Tartu and its Centre for Oriental Studies from 19 to 21 October.
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The Police and Border Guard announced at 9:15 that dozens of Estonian institutions, including schools and kindergartens, received a bomb threat by email in Russian tonight.
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From 2 October to 5 November, all University of Tartu employees, students, alumni, their families and all others interested are welcome to complete the orienteering course and reconnect with the varied history of Toome Hill. 
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The public event takes place on Thursday, 28 September, in the conference hall of the University of Tartu Library.
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On 12 September, the commission formed for the dean elections registered the dean candidates of the university’s four faculties.
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All university members are invited to nominate candidates who deserve to be awarded the university’s honorary decoration for their outstanding achievements.
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The University of Tartu doctoral students are invited to participate in the three-minute thesis competition on 28 September.
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At the beginning of August, the menu layout of the UT website was updated.
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On 27 June, the global higher education consultancy Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) launched its World University Rankings 2024, adopting a methodology that has undergone considerable change. The University of Tartu is ranked 358th and again tops the list of Estonian universities.
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The spring fair of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities encourages reuse and green exchange
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On 17 May, the election commission confirmed the results of the senate elections. 
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The language learning hub, created to support the Estonian language learning of international staff, international students and students who speak Estonian as a foreign language.
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In this year's call for applications for the University of Tartu Feasibility Fund grants, nine projects were awarded funding for one-year development work.
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