Doctoral defence: Sten-Erik Tammemäe "A ‘bridge of science’ across the Gulf of Finland. Scientific relations between Estonia and Finland from 1918 to 1940"
Doctoral defence: Toivo Kikkas "Motivation of Estonian soldiers in the National Army of Estonia and in the Estonian national units of the Red Army 1918–1920"
The exhibition „Vilma Trummal 100“ opens at the University of Tartu Philosophicum Hall Gallery (Jakobi 2, Tartu) on 21 November, the day that the celebrated archaeologist and university lecturer was born 100 years ago. A new digital textbook „Materials in Archaeology“ will also be presented at the exhibition opening. The exhibition opens at 16.00.
On 29 October, the University of Tartu and the Estonian National Museum signed a framework agreement for industrial doctorate studies to support the education of future researchers for the museum and intensify cooperation between the two institutions.
Brüsselis avatud näitusel tutvustatakse Eesti teadlasi, kes on pälvinud Euroopa Teadusnõukogu grandi. Näitusel saab lugeda ka Tartu Ülikooli üheteistkümne silmapaistva teadlase ERC projektist.