
#research #recognition 
 Fotol TÜ teadusteo auhinna saajad (vasakult paremale): Karl Pajusalu, Kristiina Tambets, Valter Lang, Sandra Sammler ja Mari Tõrv. Pildilt puudub Silvia-Kristiin Kask. Foto: Andes Tennus

EV 106. aastapäeva kontsertaktusel tunnustati meie instituudi teadlasi

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Uued väljaanded ja raamatud ajaloolastelt ja arheoloogidelt

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Foto: Stanislav Stepaško. Kass Tallinna Püha Vaimu kiriku retaablil, 1483.

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The first week of the traditional night library will take place this year from 9 to 13 December, when students can study in the library until midnight. In January, you can visit the night library for three weeks. 
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Today, on 21 November, at 16:00, Rector Toomas Asser presented the university’s honorary decorations at the ceremony in the assembly hall. 
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Starting on 25 November, the digital archive of the University of Tartu in DSpace will be called ADA. With the new name, the archive will also have a fresh homepage design that aligns with the design of the university’s website.
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The exhibition „Vilma Trummal 100“ opens at the University of Tartu Philosophicum Hall Gallery (Jakobi 2, Tartu) on 21 November, the day that the celebrated archaeologist and university lecturer was born 100 years ago. A new digital textbook „Materials in Archaeology“ will also be presented at the exhibition opening. The exhibition opens at 16.00.
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1 December marks 105 years from the opening of the Estonian-language University of Tartu. Traditional anniversary events will be held on that occasion.
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All three women received the fellowships of €7,000 in recognition of their research so far and to support further research in their scientific fields.
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On 29 October, the University of Tartu and the Estonian National Museum signed a framework agreement for industrial doctorate studies to support the education of future researchers for the museum and intensify cooperation between the two institutions.
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Rosario Napolitano räägib Itaalia ja Eesti vahelistest diplomaatilistest suhetest kahe maailmasõja vahel
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On 25 October, the University of Tartu senate decided to award the University of Tartu Grand Medal to Professor of International Business Urmas Varblane. Also, the recipients of the University of Tartu Star of Appreciation, Medal, Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” have been announced.
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Come celebrate with us the beginning of higher education in Estonian!
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On Tuesday, 15 October, from 4:15–5:45 pm, Nigel DeSouza, Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa, will give a guest lecture at the University of Tartu. The topic of the lecture is "Herder and Kant on the philosophy of life and the foundations of morality: two models of German enlightenment, with a modern perspective". The lecture will take place at Jakobi 2-114.
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All University of Tartu students are welcome to join us and focus on mental health together! We here at the Student Union want to contribute to students' mental well-being.
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Brüsselis avatud näitusel tutvustatakse Eesti teadlasi, kes on pälvinud Euroopa Teadusnõukogu grandi. Näitusel saab lugeda ka Tartu Ülikooli üheteistkümne silmapaistva teadlase ERC projektist.
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The competition will be held on Wednesday, 2 October at 10:00 in the Conference Hall of the University of Tartu Library.
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On the 3rd, 10th, ja 17th of October at 15.30 - 17.00
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At the University of Tartu, the weaving of camouflage nets and the making of helmet covers for the Ukrainian armed forces continues.
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The exhibition "Alchemy: The Intersection of All Things" is open in the exhibition hall of the university library. The exhibition explores alchemy as a universal knowledge that seeks to unite everything that exists - elements, nature, humans, planets, and the spiritual world - into a holistic system.
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Ester Oras, Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry and Archaeology at the University of Tartu, has received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).
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Until 31 October, nominations can be submitted for the “Contribution to Estonian National Identity” award.
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Nominations can be submitted via the web form until 20 September.
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