Külalisuurija tutvustus: Bradley M. Reynolds

Bradley M. Reynolds Helsingi ülikoolist tutvustab oma doktoritööd Soome välispoliitikast, OSCEst (Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe) ja suhetest Venemaaga. Ta räägib ka oma koostööst uusima aja osakonnaga.

Bradley M. Reynolds:

I am conducting a two-month research visit to the University of Tartu thanks to a mobility grant from the Aleksanteri Institute’s International Network of Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies (INREES), funded from the Kone Foundation. Kaarel Piirimäe and Andrey Makarychev are my hosts during the research stay. So far, I have lectured in an Erasmus-funded workshop for Ukrainian faculty members on academic responses to hybrid threats as well as presented at a workshop with the Tufts Fletcher School (Boston, MA) on Baltic Sea security.

Kaarel and I also cooperate through the Academy of Finland-funded project BALTRANS (The Baltic Sea Region and the Post-Cold War Hysteresis. Security conceptions and practices in transition). In May our project participated in the New Diplomatic History conference in Turku and in June, Kaarel and I will participate in the 7th Annual Tartu Conference on East European and Eurasian Studies. Kaarel has also invited me to return to Tartu in the fall and present my research in his new seminar series on international history.

My research focuses on the history of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (Conference and CSCE prior to 1995) in the 1990s as well as Finnish and Russian foreign policy during this period. My Ph.D. dissertation focuses on the 1995-1996 Finnish-Russian Co-Chairmanship of the OSCE Minsk Group - the diplomatic body responsible for mediating the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

As a historian interested in the policy relevance of my research, I attempt to get out of the archives as much as possible and cooperate with historically minded political scientists and policymakers. My overall research portfolio brings me into contact with the contemporary OSCE in a variety of different ways, from OSCE Archive in Prague to the Secretariat in Vienna and field missions in the South Caucasus and Central Asia.

My ability to maintain knowledge of the OSCE as a living body helps nuance my historical research. It also informs how my historical research can best benefit the OSCE of today as well as societal understandings of the institution. A primary goal of my research is to apply my historical knowledge for the public good. For me, this means using prudent historical analysis for both interpreting contemporary events in international relations as well as providing policy advice for decision-makers.

My time in Tartu has allowed me to work with both historians and political scientists, as well as Eurasian area studies experts. I look forward to continuing my cooperation with the University of Tartu and building on the interdisciplinary spirit I have experienced during my visit.

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