15. mail algusega kell 16.15 peab Suurbritannia arheoloog Don Henson avaliku loengu teemal “Archaeology and society”. Loeng toimub Tartus Jakobi 2-213.
This talk will explore the pace of archaeology in modern society. We need to understand what archaeology is and why we practice it. Archaeology must be more than only an exploration of the past for its own sake. We have no right to be paid by government out of everyone’s taxes so that we can do archaeology as our own private pastime or hobby. Archaeology has a great deal of value to individuals and to communities. The nature of archaeology is that it can appeal to a wide range of people with many different abilities. This talk will explore these themes and show some examples from the United Kingdom of an archaeology that benefits non-archaeologists, of all ages.
Don Henson on Suurbritannia üks tuntuimaid avaliku arheoloogia ning arheoloogia pedagoogika ideolooge.