Bergeni ülikooli õigusajaloo professori Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde avalik loeng

29. märtsil 2019 kl 16.15 toimub Jakobi 2, ruum 230 Bergeni ülikooli õigusajaloo professori Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde avalik loeng inglise keeles.

On March 29th a public lecture of Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde, professor of Legal History at the University of Bergen, will take place in Lossi 2-230. Lecture will be organised by School of Law, Institute of History and Archaeology and Department of Scandinavian Studies. Everybody is welcome!

„King Magnus the Lawmender and the Norwegian Codes of Law of the 1260s and 1270s”

King Magnus the Lawmender’s Code for the Norwegian realm of 1274 was part of maybe the most successful legislative project in Europe in the High Middle Ages. First, the Code of 1274 was in use until 1687. Even for the period between 1537 and 1604, when the code was printed, we have preserved more than 120 copies, indicating that age did not wear off the legal relevance of the Code. Second, the Code of 1274 was part of a more extensive legislative project. In 1276, a Code for the Norwegian towns was issued, about 1277 a small administrative and constitutional code was issued, and in 1281 the King issued a Code for Iceland. Third, the Code of 1274 was probably widely spread and used. We have preserved 37 complete manuscripts and 49 unique fragments of the Code of 1274 made before 1350 indicating that at this time there existed one manuscript per 1150 inhabitants in the Norwegian realm. Fourth and last, the Code of 1274 changed Norwegian law extensively, and aimed at introducing a new and more effective policy to deal with the social changes in the Norwegian realm since the midst of the 12th century.

Loengu organiseerivad TÜ õigusteaduskond, ajaloo ja arheoloogia instituut ning skandinavistika osakond.

Rohkem informatsiooni TÜ õigusajaloo professorilt Marju Luts-Sootakilt

For more information please contact Marju Luts-Sootak, professor of Legal History in Tartu

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