Koverents “The Baltic Crisis, the End of the Cold War, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union”

25. novembril toimuv rahvusvaheline konverents avab 1990ndate Balti kriisi tagamaid. Lähemalt tutvustatakse perestroikaga kaasnenud majanduslikke muutusi, mis Balti riikide iseseisvumist ette valmistasid, ja vaadeldakse välisbaltlaste rolli järgnenud sündmustele rahvusvahelise tähelepanu võitmisel. Konverentsil kõneldakse ka Soome, Rootsi ja Taani suhtumisest Balti küsimusse, sealhulgas seniavaldamata arhiivimaterjalidele toetudes, ning arutatakse võimalikke tulevasi uurimissuundi.

Konverentsi töökeel on inglise keel. Rohkem infot konverentsi kodulehel.


9:00     Morning Coffee

9:15     Introduction by Kaarel Piirimäe (University of Tartu)

9:30     Structures or Persons? Internal Dynamics of the Soviet Collapse

Dmitry V. Shlapentokh (Indiana University), “The Baltic States and the Collapse of the USSR. The Reason for Changes:  Person Not Structure”

Lars Fredrik Stöcker (Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies/University of Vienna), “Promoting the Market in a Planned Economy: Institutions and Experts in the Estonian SSR during the Perestroika Era”

Juhan Saharov (University of Tartu), “An Economic Innovation as an Icebreaker: The Contractual Work Experiment in Soviet Estonia in 1985”

11:00   Coffee break

11:30   Finnish and Swedish Views of the Baltic Crisis

Juhana Aunesluoma (University of Helsinki), “Finland, Baltic Independence and the End of the Soviet Union. Shifting Paradigms of Finland’s Place in Post-Cold War Europe”

Ilmar Metsalo (University of Helsinki), “The Analysis by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland of the Baltic Crisis in 1991”

Mart Kuldkepp (University College London), “Uncertain Outcomes of Imperfect Actions: Swedish Diplomatic Reporting from the Baltics in 1989-1991”

13:00   Lunch break

14:00   Baltic Diaspora and the Soviet Collapse

Giedrius Janauskas (Vytautas Magnus University), “The End of the Cold War: Strategies and “Think Tanks” of Demos Diplomacy of Lithuanians in the USA and Canada”

Kristīne Beķere (Latvian Academy of Sciences), “Activities of Diaspora Latvians in Latvia during the Key Events of 1990-1991”

Eduards B. Deksnis (Latvian Academy of Sciences), “How Disregard of the Western Non-recognition Policy Initiated Break-up of the USSR”

15:30   Coffee break

16:00   Discussion: Future Research on the Baltic-Soviet Crisis

Lars Grønbjerg (University of Copenhagen/Danish Defence College), “Writing the History of Baltic Independence and the End of the Cold War – have we got the right facts and concepts to start with?”

Una Bergmane (Cornell University), via skype

Jüri Luik (Director of the International Centre for Defence and Security/Diplomat at the Estonian Foreign Ministry since 1990)

17:30   Conclusion of the Conference


Lisainfo: Kaarel Piirimäe, teadur (kaarel.piirimae@ut.ee)


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