Ruth Sargent Noyes peab venia legendi 15. novembril

Ruth Sargent Noyes

Kunstiajaloo professori kohale kandideeriv Ruth Sargent Noyes peab venia legendi 15. novembril kell 16.15 teemal "‘Furs, slaves, and wax.’ Perspectives on globalizing the art of the Baltic region before modernity" („Karusnahk, orjad ja vaha. Pilk Balti kunsti rahvusvahelistumisele enne moodsa ajastu algust.“). Loeng toimub Tartu Ülikooli peahoone ruumis 128 kell 16.15.

Her lecture investigates through works of art the long entangled histories of fur trading and slavery within and between the Baltic region (including historical territories of present-day Estonia) and the global pre-modern world. This presentation examines these entanglements from a transregional, transcultural perspective, and also maps them against reflections on how integrating Estonia’s and Baltic Europe’s art histories within broader explorations of cultural heterogeneity and global circulations of artefacts can be inflected through other fields in the discipline.

Ruth Sargent Noyes took her BA at Harvard University and MA and PhD at Johns Hopkins University in Art History. She is presently Senior Research Fellow at the National Museum of Denmark (Copenhagen), where she leads a Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Union Fellowship Project. Author of a number of books and articles and recipient of a number of international research grants and awards, her recent research takes up cross-cultural perspectives globalizing art and architecture of the Baltic region before modernity.

NB! Loeng toimub inglise keeles.

Teised kandidaadid:

Kunstiajaloo professori kohale kandideerivad ka Anu Mänd (venia legendi 1. novembril kell 16.15), Jaanika Anderson (venia legendi 22. novembril kell 16.15) ja Epi Tohvri (venia legendi 29. novembril kell 16.15).

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